Rajendra G. Kulkarni wrote:
I agree. Never underestimate power of a fringe lunatic group to
cause harm.  Now, I am going to go out on a thin limb and
ask the following: When Experts say,
"don't dismiss cyberattack warning,"  what can somebody like
me (just a regular user) or for that matter
others with several degrees of better knowledge in the workings
of cyber networks than I,  do to stop cyber attacks from happening?
I think the real question (at least for NANOG members) is not whether terrorists are ready willing and able to to launch attacks against networks. It should be obvious that they are.

The real question is whether those attacks will be any worse than the attacks from other sources that have been hitting our networks on a regular basis for the past several years.

Are these terrorists actually trying to figure out ways to crack Windows, Linux, IOS and other popular operating systems or are they just downloading the same software that the script kiddies are already using?

-- David

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