On Tue, 26 Nov 2002, Irwin Lazar wrote:
> Thought this might be worth passing on:
> http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/2514651.stm
> <http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/2514651.stm>

Its difficult to tell what the authors have discovered since the paper
won't be published for four months.  From the press release I notice
some language which would indicate it may have the same issues other
Internet models have predicting the impact of physical disruptions.

Q: What's the difference between airline traffic and highway traffic
during a snow storm in Chicago?

A: A snowstorm in Chicago doesn't have much of an impact on highway
traffic through Dallas.  But a snowstorm in Chicago does impact air
traffic in Dallas.

Air traffic in the US is a tightly coupled system. Air traffic is
coordinated nationally, and passengers must make connections at fixed
points which are difficult to change.  Its difficult to get on a different
plane heading in the general direction of your destination. Automotive
traffic is loosly coupled.  Auto traffic is locally controlled and cars
may be individually re-routed towards its destination at many different

Which analogy is closer to what happens to the Internet?  Air traffic or
highway traffic?  Or maybe Internet traffic is like Internet traffic.

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