> > i don't know if I've ever actually received 1 of those spam messages from
> > a host inside Nigeria
> wow, i seem to get several per day. would you like some, i can setup an exploder
> for some of my spam if anyones interested? ;)

and they're all actually sent/relayed through a host in Nigeria? my first
few were, none that I received after that were. alot from south africa,
and a few other parts, but no more from Nigeria
Interestingly enough, I got the following today from a Cybercafe in Nigeria that I had blocked:

>Thanks for the prompt response to the problem with our IP address.
>I have alreday instructed all staff to be more vigilant and we are going
>through the list of people who came around that time on saturday to track
>down who sent this email.
>I am in the process of buying a cybercafe management software which allows
>the administrator to look at diffrent PCs and see what people are doing so
>that if we spot things like this we will stop it.
>Furthermore, I have instructed my team to program the webcams to take
>snapshot of the shop every 20 minutes so that we can see who was in the
>at what time.
>I have also made sure we have notices put up in the cafe to say we do not
>tolerate email spamming and anybody caught will be reported to the
>autorities for appropriate action
>However, I must stress that this is a cybercafe where 100% of people who
>come there use web based email and there is no software or mechanism to
>spamming from web based emails. You can see from the mail that was sent
>the person put a web based email address as the return address. Therefore I
>cannot guarantee that this will not happen again , I can only put measures
>in place to deter people. If there is any software you know about that
>prevent this or mechanism please let me know and I will put it in place
>I am surprised however that there is no responsibility placed on providers
>of web based emails who are in the best position to filter out and prevent
>such emails from being delivered.
>I hope all the measures highlighted above will be enough for you to go to
>the ISP to reactivate our blocked IP

So what exactly do people do in regards to Web spam? I block tcp/80 but would like to hear what others are doing.


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