On Mon, Dec 16, 2002 at 09:16:55PM -0500, K. Scott Bethke wrote:
> based on ALL the ASN's of the people on the peering switch..  but in most
> cases anyone pushing any real traffic will probably not have fine grained
> samples enough to determine a peering relationship based on a  single AS
> with this method.  Maybe Im wrong but hey if you are taking 200megs from any
> one ASN I would hope you knew about it.

Also, that method has the same "knowing the routes" problem as netflow. 
Whereever you are getting your list of ASN's route ASN.*"'s routes, there 
is pretty much no way they are accurate (for an ASN of ANY size).

You would have to statically route (or otherwise inject routes with a
specific nexthop) a list of their customer prefixes that would have to be
manually transmitted.

Richard A Steenbergen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       http://www.e-gerbil.net/ras
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