The -real- challenge is to create a system -capable- of monitoring
the entire internet.... Today there isn't enough horsepower to
accomplish such a thing, except by "exception to the rule",
rather than "the rule".

In analogy: We can adjust the flows of the Hoover 
 (remember him ?) Damn, we cannot however stop to count 
 bacteria in each and every drop, using today's technology.

As I recall, 
  didn't Hitler have basically the same problem in WWII ?

Now we have to ask ourselves: What can we learn from history ?

David Lesher wrote:
> [This just jumped into the operational arena. Are you prepared
> with the router port for John Poindexter's vacuum? What changes
> will you need to make? What will they cost? Who will pay?]
> December 20, 2002
> White House to Propose System for Wide Monitoring of Internet
> The Bush administration is planning to propose requiring Internet
> service providers to help build a centralized system to enable
> broad monitoring of the Internet and, potentially, surveillance
> of its users.
> The proposal is part of a final version of a report, "The National
> Strategy to Secure Cyberspace," set for release early next year,
> according to several people who have been briefed on the report. It
> is a component of the effort to increase national security after
> the Sept. 11 attacks.
> The President's Critical Infrastructure Protection Board is
> preparing the report, and it is intended to create public and
> private cooperation to regulate and defend the national computer
> networks, not only from everyday hazards like viruses but also
> from terrorist attack. Ultimately the report is intended to provide
> an Internet strategy for the new Department of Homeland Security.
> ..............................

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