On Sun, Dec 29, 2002 at 08:11:46PM -0500, David Lesher wrote:
> I'm surprised you're still around after a sub battery accident.
> They're a grade up from most CO's in available current, I'd bet.

I'd bet the other way.  CO battery has to supply ring current, dial
tone and voice current, not just run the switch itself, at least
in the Copper Age.  I don't think -48VDC is an electrocution risk
unless you're sweaty, but a vaporized wrench sure can burn you, and
I don't think GFIs existed for DC.

Anyway, nukes don't need the battery capacity of the old diesels.

Barney Wolff         http://www.databus.com/bwresume.pdf
I'm available by contract or FT, in the NYC metro area or via the 'Net.

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