What kinda of moron sets up a spam filter agains emails from nanog.

You might want to fix that.

Mark Segal
Director, Data Services
Futureway Communications Inc.
Tel: (905)326-1570

-----Original Message-----
From: Allen Erkman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: January 6, 2003 11:50 AM
Subject: Please stop sending me emails


Your e-mail message to me (see below) was not delivered. I
am no longer accepting mail from your address.

This extreme measure was most likely taken in response
to unsolicited or unwanted e-mail from you. If you were attempting to market
a commercial product or service to me, then please note that I am absolutely
not interested in it. I take a dim view of any form of UCE, and on principle
refuse to patronize any business that resorts to this tactic.

This email account is protected by:
Active Spam Killer (ASK) V2.2 - (C) 2001-2002 by Marco Paganini For more
information visit http://www.paganini.net/ask

--- Original Message Follows ---

From: Mark Segal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'David Diaz'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Subject: RE: MSN Messenger
Date: Mon, 6 Jan 2003 11:49:19 -0500 

Service status is available at

But according to the page all is fine.. Which is NOT the case here either.


Mark Segal
Director, Data Services
Futureway Communications Inc.
Tel: (905)326-1570

> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Diaz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: January 6, 2003 11:41 AM
> Subject: MSN Messenger
> Morning all,
> Is anyone else seeing MSN messenger issues?  I had verification from
> a few people that they started seeing problems this morning. At first 
> the messages seemed to be of a server not found message, now it's 
> server error.  I didnt see anything on MSN's site.
> Does anyone know of a maint page they have?
> Thought this also might be helpful to any ISPs with a large
> amount of users.
> David
> --
> David Diaz
> www.smoton.net [Peering Site under development]
> Smotons (Smart Photons) trump dumb photons

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