On Tue, 14 Jan 2003 13:16:45 MST, Pete Kruckenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  said:

> I'm trying to envision an RFP that awards business to one or
> a few network operators, but requires that they interoperate
> effectively with other operators who don't win any of the
> business. I've only got a state-level purchasing
> perspective, but I don't see it happening at any level.

So you award the contract to a provider that has clueful engineers.

How do you mandate/enable/whatever that they be able to interoperate
effectively with the clueless vendor that didn't get the contract?
Remember to address the fact that the clueless vendor would probably
have to expend resources to support somebody else's contract, with no
income to back it up.

In addition, how would you enforce this without getting sued?  You award
the contract to Vendor A, they can't interoperate because Vendor B is a
bunch of clueless weenies - now what do you do?
                                Valdis Kletnieks
                                Computer Systems Senior Engineer
                                Virginia Tech

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