Well they don't tell you which 2 percent either.

For all we know
"only 2 percent were successful" and yielded launch codes...

"only 2 percent were successful" and yielded next weeks lunch schedule.

Big difference on which 2 percent:).

On Fri, 17 Jan 2003, jnull wrote:

> > But the article also says less than 2% of the "attacks" resulted
> > in a successful intrusion.
> >
> http://www.nytimes.com/2003/01/17/technology/17HACK.html
> 2% would be an embarrassingly large success rate for intrusion on a
> "secured" military network.
> But, I'm sure they'll float any articles they can to get congress to
> allocate more funds to the cyberpanic squad--go go big brother. Not too
> mention, the news whores are always a willing accomplice in fabricating
> hype.
> Oh wait, is today cynical Friday?
> --jnull

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