What's interesting is that I just tried to call the noc and was told
"We have to have you e-mail the group"

my response, I can't I have no route working to uunet

"Well you have to"

my response, ok I'll use someone elses mail box where do I mail?

"We can't tell you your not a customer"

My response its a routing issue do you have somewhere I can e-mail you.

"Your not my customer I really don't care"  *click*

Nice. professional too.

Anyone have a number to the noc that someone with clue might answer?

----- Original Message -----
From: "David Diaz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, January 18, 2003 4:35 PM
Subject: Re: uunet

> Im not seeing anything coming from qwest.
> At 16:55 -0800 1/18/03, Scott Granados wrote:
> >Is something up on uunet tonight?
> >
> >It looks to me that dns is broken forward and reverse but more likely it
> >looks like a bad bogan fiilter popped up suddenly.  I have issue as soon
> >I leave mfn's network and hit uunet.
> --
> David Diaz
> www.smoton.net [Peering Site under development]
> Smotons (Smart Photons) trump dumb photons

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