On Tue, 21 Jan 2003, todd glassey wrote:

> Vadim - the newest form of SPAM uses the Messenger facility to place a
> pop-up in the middle of your screen without any email, pop, smtp or other
> service being involved. I apologize for the tone of the first posting, but I
> still stand by it. When ISP's are held accountable for what people do with
> the BW they sell them, then these issues will all be moot. Until then, the
> lie is that there is no way to stop these behaviors and its the one the
> ISP's proffer exclusively.

No, we evil network admins are NOT saying there is no way to stop these
behaviors. We're saying that the solutions put such a crimp on open
standards and legitimate behavior that their value is negative. The
problem is a social one, not a technical one. The technical problem is the
vulnerability that exists; the social problem is that as long as ANY
vulnerability exists, people will try to exploit that vulnerability.
Technology can mitigate the vulnerabilities, but it cannot mitigate the
desire to exploit.

For instance, substitute "airport" for "network", as in "airport
security". There are ways for law enforcement to be 100% positive that no
terrorists ever steps foot on a plane. Unfortunately, the cost involved,
along with the reduction in efficiency, would make normal travel

Do you try to hold realestate developers responsible for what the
homeowner does with their house? Do you try to hold the power company
responsible for the people who use their electricity to grow weed?

I assume you were beating down the doors of Congress, tyring to get rock
artists to be responsible for the people who committed suicide after
listening to their albums?


Andy Dills                              301-682-9972
Xecunet, LLC                            www.xecu.net
Dialup * Webhosting * E-Commerce * High-Speed Access

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