On Sat, 25 Jan 2003, Avleen Vig wrote:

> On Sat, Jan 25, 2003 at 05:08:22PM +0000, Stephen J. Wilcox wrote:
> > > Also; everyone who just posted to this list made it abundantly clear that
> > > they don't have a firewall in front of at least one MS SQL server on their
> > > network. Should you really have port 1433/4 open to the world? Would you
> > > do this with a MySql server?
> >
> > Yes, thats bad.. people should be more clueful than they are, I blame folks
> > being cheap, having staff who are clueless, low quality equipment, this is the
> > market we're in.
> The market we are in was specifically bred by Microsoft in the 90's when
> they claimed Windows was so eay to use, anyone could admin it.
> They've since changed their tune, but the damage has been done and
> continues to be done like last night :(

I would agree somewhat with Avleen here... BUT, like I said, its long past
the time when every internet connected org really should reevaluate their
security force's size and abilities :) security is 'important' and we
really SHOULD get that across to EVERYONE... or atleast that's my thought

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