At 03:23 PM 1/25/2003 -0800, Patrick wrote:

On Sat, 25 Jan 2003, Christopher J. Wolff wrote:

> Does this mean that BofA ATM's are SQL based or that BofA is running ATM
> traffic through some kind of internet VPN?  Perhaps they just plug the
> ATM's into any connection and pass cleartext transactions over the
> internet?  This is very suspicious, IMHO.

At $previous_employer half the connections to the various banks they had
were via VPN.
I know of a bank whose consultants are blithering idiots. The lack of security baffles my mind. My home network is 10 times more secure than what I've been told about. :( I'd hate to think that this is fairly common among banks but I'm starting to wonder... The only positive thing that has come out of their lack of security is that I know one place not to put any of my money. :P

Vinny Abello
Network Engineer
Server Management
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