On Mon, Jan 27, 2003 at 08:10:15PM +0000, Simon Lockhart wrote:
> As I suspected, but I keep being told that these problems were in old style
> VPN clients, and stuff is much better these days. I remain unconvinced.

A good VPN client (I'm familiar with Nortel) will enforce no *simultaneous*
access to or from on-VPN and off-VPN destinations.  But I'm not aware of
anything that will enforce that a home or portable machine has never been
connected to anything but the corporate network.  That would take TCPA
or the equivalent, which would not bother me if it's on the company's
machine and under control of the company - maybe the only scenario where
TCPA/Palladium-ng would be acceptable.

Barney Wolff         http://www.databus.com/bwresume.pdf
I'm available by contract or FT, in the NYC metro area or via the 'Net.

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