ML> Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2003 11:07:59 -0800
ML> From: Mathew Lodge

ML> It doesn't have to be, if your compiler is worth its salt.
ML> Take a look at the GNU Ada compiler implementation of bound
ML> checking -- incredibly efficient.


How about:

        struct buf_t {
                char *first ;
                char *cur ;
                char *last ;
                size_t size ;
                size_t remaining ;
        } ;

        /* implement various buf-management macros */

Implement some or all, as needed.  Replace the char* elements
with a union of various ptr types if desired.  Keep the type
definition available; there's no need for an opaque struct.

Now write programs to toss around buf_t* instead of char*.  It's
not that difficult.

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