On Tue, 4 Feb 2003, Subhi S Hashwa wrote:

> On Mon, Feb 03, 2003 at 04:52:57PM -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >  how/why is this proposed group distinct from the European Operator Forum?
> Do you have a URL for the above forum? google isn't returning anything
> useful.


Meetings are usually organized on the Monday/Tuesday of the RIPE meetings.
Over the last years, focus shifted from technical presentations to
advanced tutorials, though there are plans to reverse that.  Next session
will be May 12-13 in Barcelona, Spain.


Henk Uijterwaal                             Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
RIPE Network Coordination Centre            WWW: http://www.ripe.net/home/henk
P.O.Box 10096          Singel 258           Phone: +31.20.5354414
1001 EB Amsterdam      1016 AB Amsterdam    Fax: +31.20.5354445
The Netherlands        The Netherlands      Mobile: +31.6.55861746

That problem that we weren't having yesterday, is it better? (Big ISP NOC)

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