As a follow-up to the IX Operator Panel today, a Web site
and mailing list have been set up to focus and expand the
interests of regional exchange points.

The REP Forum is intended for anyone who is interested in
discussion and development of regional exchanges. This
includes operators, participants and anyone interested in
exploring or creating a regional exchange point.

The REP Forum hopes to collect and share the knowledge and
experience that has been developed by people who have built
regional exchanges. The mailing list will be used to discuss
and expand that knowledge-base and share ideas between REP
projects. The REP Forum will provide information to create a
regional exchange, or to make your current REP project more
valuable (and hopefully more successful).

This will initially focus on North American regional
exchanges, though if there is interest from other areas of
the world we will find a way accomodate those.

The REP Forum web site is at . The
mailing list is available by sending "subscribe" to

If you know of regional exchang operators that might not
subscribe to the NANOG mailing list, please forward this
message to them, or send me their contact information.


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