BB> Date: Fri, 21 Feb 2003 14:08:46 -0600 (CST)
BB> From: Bryan Bradsby

JS> it isn't legit for what i have in my network though :-)

BB> Really? So you're blocking udp/1434 both in and out?
BB> Got any DNS servers on your network? Any of your desktop
BB> clients use DNS?

s/DNS/UDP-based servers/

BB> Recent versions of un*x BIND will pick a random port above
BB> 1024 for udp conversations. It can and has picked 1434.

Standard socket(2) behavior.  BIND [hopefully] runs chown(2)ed,
so the source port number must be >= 1024.

BB> DNS clients will eventually timeout and fall back to another
BB> server, so any problems would be transient, but the packets
BB> were legit, right?

Stateful packet filters are nice.  Properly written, they protect
both inbound and outbound traffic and need to track very little

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