VK> Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2003 15:25:52 -0500
VK> From: Valdis.Kletnieks

JK> Just a reminder to everyone who intends to query the
JK> IRR/RADB...  Please be nice to the RADB whois server and
JK> don't DoS it.  Open a persistant connection instead of one

VK> Are there any recommendations for caching of the results? Do,
VK> don't, not for over 72 hours, etc?  I think most people that
VK> do an AS-enabled traceroute are always going to be getting
VK> the same answers back for the first few hops to *ANYWHERE* -
VK> caching at least "your local neighborhood" could dramatically
VK> cut the number of queries....

Better yet, a DNS authd that resolves

        origin-asn. IN TXT


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