SS> Date: Tue, 25 Feb 2003 19:46:53 -0600
SS> From: Stephen Sprunk

(Props to whoever thought up what you put in the "To" field)

SS> From an academic standpoint, that would be a very interesting
SS> experiment.  However, most of us are paid to keep our
SS> networks or services running, not to intentionally break
SS> them.

I see.  So you advocate innocent 69/8 users suffering because you
don't want to cause pain for the lazy and inept?  I'd rather see
the latter paying for their sins, not innocent third parties.
Note that my suggestions (credit to Jeff Wheeler for suggesting
roots in new IP allocations) would break NOTHING on a properly-
maintained network.

Let's put it this way:  69/8 evidently is still being filtered by
some, despite pleading and time.  Things _will_ break.  This
won't be the last time we encounter new allocations, either.
_Someone_ will feel pain.

Who do you feel should bear the brunt?  How do you propose to
make it happen?

Brotsman & Dreger, Inc. - EverQuick Internet Division
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