In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Mark Borchers"
>> It difficult to tell from the article whether UK ISPs are refusing to
>> cooperate with lawful requests from UK police, or if UK police are
>> trying to get ISPs to give information without proper authorization.
>It's difficult to argue with the premise that "it was in the interests of
>ISPs to co-operate in investigations against hackers and virus writers".
>I can recall posts to this list bemoaning the fact that the FBI was slow
>or unwilling to launch cybercrime investigations not tied espionage, 
>terrorism, or other good, old-fashioned crime.
I haven't checked the law since the Patriot Act was passed.  Prior to 
that, however, in the U.S. the law *prohibited* communications carriers 
from giving certain information to the government without a warrant -- 
but they were free to give it or sell it to anyone else. see (c)(1)(A)

                --Steve Bellovin, (me)
       (2nd edition of "Firewalls" book)

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