Speaking on Deep Background, the Press Secretary whispered:
> > An electrical fire broke out in the basement of an office tower
> > in TriBeCa yesterday, four months after building inspectors said
> > they had discovered illegal diesel fuel tanks installed on the
> > upper floors of the tower.
> basement.  roof.  what is it i am not getting here?  osama bin
> elevator?  the ratcheting (rat sh<bleep>ing?) up of the american
> press hysteria?

Well, fire depts tend to get upset about large amounts of fuel
being stored above ground. FDNY is likely to be more upset than
most, since every indication is that 7 WTC was destroyed by
fire fueled by the large amounts of fuel being stored in it for
Lord Combover's EOP. {It was 7? I get them confused...} And that
building, NY being NY, did not meet FDNY regs.

I'm not an expert on these regs, but my understanding is the SOP
is often:

a)      Anything >n gallons shall be stored below ground or
        in a special hardened environment.

b)      Each generator may have one day's supply ("day tank")
        next to it; a transfer pump can refill it from a).
        [BTW, make sure the transfer pump is itself on the
        generator circuit.....]

Now, obviously, any fire in such a building refocuses attention.

Or have I missed your point?

A host is a host from coast to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
& no one will talk to a host that's close........[v].(301) 56-LINUX
Unless the host (that isn't close).........................pob 1433
is busy, hung or dead....................................20915-1433

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