On Mon, 10 Mar 2003, Frank Scalzo wrote:

> We don't need the adminstrative headache of ICANN/ARIN/RIRs on this.
> Someone could just do it with a private ASN and advertise the route with
> an arbitrarily null routed next-hop.

That's a non-solution that will never happen.  How many networks are going 
to trust joe somebody to inject null routes into their backbone?  Will 
UUNet/Sprint/C&W/Level3/etc. trust me or Rob to tell them what's a bogon 
and what's not?  I really doubt it.  They might have an easier time 
trusting their local RIR, but I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't.

I realize this sort of thing worked early on with the RBL, but that was 
for a different purpose.  For those who took the RBL via BGP, I suspect 
the benefit of blocking spammers from their networks outweighed the risk 
of RBL abuse and people trusted Vixie to be objective and honest. 

> That doesn't solve the problem of bad filters on firewalls.

Several people pointed that out earlier.  Botched / outdated firewall 
configs may be a bigger problem than BGP filters.  For a glimpse at why, 

> The problem is lots of books/webpages/templates/etc. say filter bogons.
> People not smart enough to understand the responsibilities of doing so
> implement it and forget it. Instead of trying to beat up on the large

Worse is that there are pages and pages full of links to usenet posts with
these outdated bogon filters.  Books and web pages can be updated.  The
usenet archive isn't going away and won't be revised.  People who don't
know any better are going to continue to misconfigure bogon filters
indefinitely unless something is done to periodically whack some sense
into them.

> Funny the media gets all excited about BGP security and dDos attacks
> against a root nameserver yet no one ever seems to mention the real
> scalability issues like that we can't allocate large parts of the net
> because many network operators aren't bright enough to update filters.

I know some writers watch nanog for potential stories.  Wake up guys, this 
should be one...if not for the news value "ARIN gives out unusable IPs, 
future of the Net in question", then at least for the public service value 
of getting the word out that bogon filters need to be maintained and kept 
up to date or they do more harm than good.

 Jon Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED]|  I route
 System Administrator        |  therefore you are
 Atlantic Net                |  
_________ http://www.lewis.org/~jlewis/pgp for PGP public key_________

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