>I'm sure a lot of people have the same problem as we are having... Our 
NOC and Server Equipment is located in "No Cell Phone signal" zone of our 
building >(It's amazing what metal walls, Server Racks and HVAC Systems 
will do to Cellphone Signals).  I was wondering if anyone out there has 
found a device that >will be able to repeat the Cell Phone signal back 
into our NOC & Server Area's??? 

You need an LDAP server to fix this ;->
Uhm, if your cellphone provider supports call forwarding to another number 
when the phone is outside of signal range, then you could set up an 
in-house cordless phone system and everyone could set up their cell to 
forward to their cordless phone. Talk to any local company selling PBXs 
and office phone systems for more info on office-wide cordless phone 

This will work because the transmitters are inside the metal walls and 
they can be placed to work around obstructions like HVAC or racks.

--Michael Dillon

P.S. of course, my first answer might have been right too...  
Replace the cordless phone system with 802.11b and VOIP and some LDAP 
servers and this phoneset 


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