> His bandwidth then drops
> to 0 for almost exactly 30 minutes (MRTG isn't an exactly graph). My 

Still using MRTG? Have you read this? 
Or this? http://rtg.sourceforge.net/docs/rtgfaq.html

Have you checked the price of 200 gigabyte hard drives and calculated how 
long it would take to fill one if you were saving everything RTG could 

Seriously, how much do you risk losing over one incident like this where 
you don't have the data to show your customer exactly what happened and 
give them the impression that you are an amazing TCP/IP guru? MRTG is 
utterly obsolete; replace it! http://rtg.sourceforge.net

And if you can't make it to every NANOG meeting, then do check the website 
for useful presentations like this one 

--Michael Dillon

P.S. considering the price of huge disk drives, I'd even consider setting 
up a system to capture traces of all the traffic whenever a traffic 
anomally occurs. That way you have even more useful info for a post mortem 

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