Miss Rothschild wrote:
On 2003-03-11-21:01:00, JC Dill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
(Note to Mr. Dill, this is not intended to pick on you specifically, it's just a convenient place to butt in)

Ahem. It's _MS._ Dill, thank you.

Please post with a gender-specific name if you want to take offense when mis-identified.

It is offensive to many people (both male and female) when someone automatically assumes that an "unknown" person is male. Especially since:

     Females aged 2 and up accounted for 50.4 percent of U.S.
     Internet users in May, edging out their male counterparts,
     according to New York-based Internet research firms Media
     Metrix and Jupiter Communications


     At Dulles-based America Online Inc., the nation's biggest
     online services company, 52 percent of its 23.2 million
     subscribers worldwide are women.


     Some scholars believe the new-found gender parity is just
     another reflection of the social changes of the past few
     decades, when men and women found themselves on more equal
     footing. "That distinction has disappeared, and it is a
     huge revolution in society," says Michael Maccoby, an
     anthropologist and psychoanalyst.


It is doubly offensive when you opine that I have an obligation to
create and use [1] a gender-specific name solely to make things easier
for you and other sexist jerks^W men^W^W induh^H^Hividuals.  What would
you do if my name was Pat or Chris?  Or if YOUR name was Pat or Chris?

Sure you can.  You just need content unimportant enough that no one
(the end users on a network that is still blocking 69/8, AND the
networks that put up the sacrificial target host on a 69/8 IP) is
truly hurt if the connection fails, but important enough that the
failure will lead to the broken networks being fixed and clue being

How do I configure my routers and web servers for that?

ObNanog: Assuming you don't work at Google, if you aren't blocking 69/8 then your network will not be harmed in any way by the implementation of this proposal. Thus you need to do nothing special at all. OTOH, if you are improperly blocking 69/8, obviously you need to fix that when you configure your "routers and web servers" (sic).

I'm suggesting that Google explain why they are doing this on a page
linked off their homepage.  If this is done, people ARE going to
notice, and ARE going to find out why.  When it is widely
publicised, it WILL be noticed even more.

Last I checked, Google was a for-profit business, not a charity house. I'm not sure how doing something that will make them look dumb, and cost them in valuable ad revenue, etc is in their best interests. Perhaps you could fill me in here.

If you don't work at Google, then this is none of your concern.

p.s. Please don't cc me on replies, or on replies to replies, etc.

We have seen time after time that the propagation delays on the NANOG list, most likely resultant from sub-optimal postfix/majordomo configuration and/or an overloaded box, make it unsuitable for realtime communications. With this in mind, I have taken the liberty of cc'ing you in my reply, despite your request to the contrary.

I have no urgent need for your reply, I am happy to wait until I receive email from the list. I politely made my request very clear, both in my headers and in the body of my email. You responded by taking extra steps to do the exact opposite of what I politely requested. Then you have the gall to flame me for my polite request. This was very rude of you.

If duplicate messages cluttering your inbox are causing you much

They are just an annoyance, as is being mistakenly referred to as a male. Since you seem to think that these annoyances must be accepted as part of participating on the net, be prepared to be referred to as Miss Rothschild by me, now and in the future. What goes around comes around, girlfriend.


[1]  JC Dill is my real name.  It is the name on my passport and other
official documents.

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