> Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2003 19:01:16 -0800
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Will Yardley)
> To: Gregory Hicks <ghicks>
> Subject: Re: Getting a Host Record
> On Wed, Mar 12, 2003 at 06:31:07PM -0800, Gregory Hicks wrote:
> > whois -h whois.completewhois.com dreamhost.com
> > Elan Complete Whois Server, Version 0.83h05, compiled on Jan 27, 2003, 
> > 18:21 PDT
> The original message was about getting a HOST (i.e., nameserver) record,
> not getting the whois record for the domain itself.

Sorry!  After I sent that off, I re-read your message...  (I need to
read, re-read, and then again, I think...)

I don't recall that I've EVER been able to get info on an individual
host as you want.

I've been using 'whois' since the early-mid '80s whilst I was running
the Info-IBMPC Digest (it is now defunct when I got out of the

I used to take a FQDN host name, submit to whois, and if I got a "no
such record", I'd back the host name off, then any sub-domains, then
...  Until I got a match that looked 'reasonable'.  Whois stopped being 
convenient to use about the time Network Solutions went 'commercial' (about '98 
or so?).

This is what I did for ns1.dreamhost.com.  There used to be fully
maintained 'hinfo' records in DNS, but not, I believe, in the whois
database...  I think the best you can do now is to get SOA for an
individual host...

Oh well.  I'll read better next time.

Gregory Hicks

Gregory Hicks                           | Principal Systems Engineer
Cadence Design Systems                  | Direct:   408.576.3609
555 River Oaks Pkwy M/S 6B1             | Fax:      408.894.3479
San Jose, CA 95134                      | Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by
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Asking the wrong questions is the leading cause of wrong answers

"The best we can hope for concerning the people at large is that they
be properly armed." --Alexander Hamilton

Just because "We've always done it that way" is not necessarily a good
reason to continue to do so...  Grace Hopper, Rear Admiral, United
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