> There is so much of it, I liken it to Internet background 
> radiation.  In 
> fact, if I didnt see a constant stream of this (either by 
> accident-- SNMP 
> auto discovery, or design-- lets find all the 'private' routers and 
> switches out there) I would be more worried as my network 
> probably has been 
> blackholed!

Good Point!!
> In terms of reporting it, I usually do if its more than just 
> some automated 
> probe and is a directed attack against a particular device 
> and is causing 
> some grief or potential grief.  But it would be a full time 
> job evaluating 
> and responding to each and every scan/hack attempt as the 
> volume is way too 
> high.  I  think something like dshield is going in the right 
> direction. 
> Ultimately if these things are not reported and the people doing them 
> sanctioned somehow, it wont stop.

Yeah, If a dshield type system is used and the ISP's can use that to 
add to the Abuse reports.. That would be great!

> Also, its March Break in many parts of North America... More 
> time to do 
> these sorts of things.
Yeah, and don't forget spring exams in the AP Rim...
That is always bad too....

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