----- Original Message -----
From: "Sean Donelan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2003 2:31 AM
Subject: Al Jazeera DOSed or just lots of traffic

: Al Jazeera's web site (www.aljazeera.net) has been intermittently
: unavailable today.  Al Jazeera's spokesperson indicated it might be
: hackers, but it could have just been lots of people trying to reach the
: web site to see the pictures US television networks wouldn't broadcast,
: overloading their servers.
: That's the only "high visibility" problem I've heard of so far.  There
: has been the normal background level of stuff on the net, cable cuts, web
: defacements, perpetual ddos attacks, etc.

It was DDoSed even the nameservers routes were null due to the DDoS huge



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