In a message written on Wed, Mar 26, 2003 at 04:09:06AM -0500, Sean Donelan wrote:
> For example, Al Jazeera had time-to-live set of their domain records set
> to 15 minutes, making them even more vulnerable to increasing the load
> on their systems.  Of course, Al Jazeera had other problems too.

This is very much a double edged sword.  If they decided to add
more servers, or Akamize, or set up traditional mirrors a long TTL
would have prevented a large number of people from using them as
ISP's continued to serve up cached entries.  Imagine not being able
to get new servers properly loaded for a week if you followed more
traditional TTL guidelines.

For web content, I would recomend a TTL approximately equal to the
longest you would expect a single user to view your web site.
Worst case, if every user had to ask your DNS servers directly,
would then be one query for every web visitor.  Given that there
will be caching at larger ISP's and the like it will actually be
even less.  If you can scale your web infrastructure to serve the
pages to that number of users, scaling DNS to answer one query for
each one of those users should be a trivial exercise.

In addition to making it easier to change the service on the fly and
have those changes take effect, it also makes it easier on smaller
companies that cache content.  How many small ISP's or corporate caching
servers keep entries around for a week or more when one person spent
10 minutes at one site?  The shorter TTL allows these boxes to get
rid of the junk entries much faster.

Depending on your web content I'd recommend 15 minute to 1 hour TTL

       Leo Bicknell - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - CCIE 3440
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