At the risk of starting a debate that will go nowhere and annoy
the readership...

On 3/28/2003 at 14:44:00 -0500, Sean Donelan said:
> I guess we'll have to wait for Allegiance customers "leak" the
> information.  The leaks may not be as accurate as if the information
> came directly from Allegiance.  Other providers such as AT&T, Earthlink,
> MFN, RCN have a different philosophy about providing information
> concerning their network status.  Not all NOC's are the same.

I seriously doubt that, if a 12-year-old from Nebraska called the NOC
at AT&T and asked for a list of all their network failures in the past
two years, the NOC person would feel obliged to spend their time on
it.  Furthermore, if that NOC tech could be helping to fix the
problem, and I were a customer, I'd be upset that he is wasting time
chatting on the phone with a non-customer.  NOCs have limited
resources.  More importantly, they often don't know what's wrong until
after it was fixed, and sharing what may be a wrong assessment with
people who have no vested interest in the problem is asking for a lot
more trouble, especially since they probably will never know or care
what the real solution was.


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