In the immortal words of Avleen Vig ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> Look it's very simple.
> If you steal something, you go to jail. That's really nto hard to
> understand, and the reason it doesn't happen more often, is because
> prison systems are already too full of people convicted of more serious
> crimes.

I believe that the phrase you were searching for there was actually
"less serious crimes."  But I digress.

This seems like an apropos point to remind people of the existance of
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  All of the friendly bickering with
the people you know and love and/or loathe; 100% less of the
annoying-of-Susan and people-looking-for-operational-content.

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Thank you, one and all.


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"Reading [James] Ellroy can be like deciphering Morse code tapped out by a 
pair of barely sentient testicles."              (--Dwight Garner, in _Salon_)

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