On Fri, 4 Apr 2003 19:48:17 -0500 Leo Bicknell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So, IMHO, natural gas is good for smaller applications (probably
> under 250Kw), in areas where the gas is stable so you don't have
> to do on site storage.  Otherwise Diesel is probably cheaper (both
> in genset cost and fuel cost), and easier to obtain.

this is the gist of what i learned a couple of years back. when i asked
the PE at the vendor (a Cat reseller) about gas vs. diesel, he showed me
that for the size generator we were looking at, diesel was a much better
bet on the economics alone.

Richard Welty                                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Averill Park Networking                                         518-573-7592
              Unix, Linux, IP Network Engineering, Security

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