McBurnett, Jim wrote:
I tell ya, what really gets me in a bad mood is when my PIX logs show the same IP address hitting port 80 on 25 different IP's
and the time line is 2 seconds start to finish.

Yesterday, I got word from a network operator that 50 entries was not sufficient.
So I parsed 4 days's worth and sent them over 1200 messages from their block..
have not heard back yet..

Well, if you find out, let me know. On Apr 2 we had (among others):

101233 hits on 445 from 203 sources,
 43465 hits on 139 from 218 sources,
 14399 hits on  80 from 1922 sources,
 12106 hits on  21 from 6 sources,

And we would barely qualify as a "small" operation...

Then we have the nutcases than scan a dozen or so proxy ports per host on a /17 netblock (APNIC source space, usually).

Unless its a DoS and in the millions, I wonder how many outfits still give a flying fornication at a cyclically motivated glazed pastry anymore.


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