Here you go:

-----Original Message-----
From: Temkin, David 
Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2003 7:49 PM
To: 'E.B. Dreger'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: "They all suck!" Re: UPS failure modes (was: fire at NAC)

Liebert makes one, actually.   The model # escapes me, but we considered
using it for equipment that's single powered.  (We have uber power

-----Original Message-----
From: E.B. Dreger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2003 7:38 PM
Subject: Re: "They all suck!" Re: UPS failure modes (was: fire at NAC)

SD> Date: Thu, 29 May 2003 16:53:43 -0400 (EDT)
SD> From: Sean Donelan

SD> Yep, tieing together "redundant" systems with parelleling gears
SD> turns two independent systems into one "co-dependent" system.  In a 
SD> failure situation, you want to compartmentalize the failure.  
SD> Loosing half your systems may be better than loosing all your 
SD> systems.

Too bad a substantial amount of equipment doesn't allow for redundant
plugins.  The ability to plug { servers | routers | whatever } into two
totally separate power feeds is nice.

Anyone for building a rackmount transfer switch for two inputs? Assuming it
didn't fail (!) -- would the economies of scale work for or against it
compared to big transfer switches?  Between dealing with _much_ smaller
current levels and the opportunity for mass production, what are the chances
of something like this working?

Brotsman & Dreger, Inc. - EverQuick Internet Division Bandwidth, consulting,
e-commerce, hosting, and network building
Phone: +1 (785) 865-5885 Lawrence and [inter]national
Phone: +1 (316) 794-8922 Wichita

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