Good Afternoon 
     and forgive the new guy if I break any rules or conventions.

I work for AT&T Government Solutions and we are about to launch the Do Not Call 
Registry for the Federal Trade Commission.  At a high level this allows consumers to 
register their phone numbers to  keep most telemarketers from calling their homes.  
Penalties for calling a consumer on the list can be $11K per call and enforcement 
begins in October.

We are launching consumer registrations on Friday.  My concern:

 - every registration using the web generates an email which must be opened to 
complete the registration process

We are looking at the potential of MILLIONS OF EMAILS PER DAY beginning Friday.  These 
will be from the same address and have the same subject line.

I am worried about denial of service or blocking by spam filters if providers are not 
aware this is coming.

I am hoping this group is a good medium to get the word out to inform the community of 
this impending event.

At this time I am unable to provide the link or email address, but will do so on 
Thursday evening if it is of value.

Any thoughts?

Richard M. Callahan
Client Business Manager
AT&T Government Solutions
Office:  (703)506-5780
Mobile: (703)608-0665
Fax: (703)245-3749

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