> -----Original Message-----
> Mike Damm
> Sent: Friday, June 27, 2003 10:06 AM
> To save you all some keystrokes...
> Donotcall.gov has no MX records. No reverse DNS on any of their outbound
> mail boxes. And they obviously are not processing bounces/complaints/etc.
> since nothing on that netblock has port 25 open.

Businesses that ask for email addresses know that a significant percentage
of people can't type their own email address correctly. Each of those
results in a bounce, or an undeliverable message sitting in an mqueue
somewhere. It would not surprise me if they also reduced their
Timeout.queuereturn to a few hours as well.

Dealing with the bounces would be a nightmare, they've already got their
handsful with the webservers and the outbound mail boxes.


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