OK, I seem to have missed identifying a finer point.

Both registrars (old and new) also host the DNS records for the domain
(actually several domains).  My question is which registrar (both are fully
configured) will ultimately win at the root server, and how is this

The mail and web servers are up and running, and their IP addresses are not
going to change.  I just want to guarantee that when the account on
registrar ABC is fully removed that registrar XYZ will begin DNS
announcements to the root servers.

Thank you for the responses so far, as well as the pointers to additional

-Jim P.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jim Popovitch
> Sent: Saturday, 28 June, 2003 12:09
> Subject: DNS announcement question
> I have a question about the way DNS records are announced/handled.  Thank
> you in advance for any insight into this, and I hope this isn't
> too far off
> topic for discussion here.
> Background:
> -  I have a domain whose MX and DNS is handled by registrar ABC
>     and I am moving that domain to registrar XYZ.
> -  I have verified (via dig) the proper config on the new registrar.
> -  This has nothing to do with donotcall.gov ;)
> Questions:
> 1) How does one registrar 'win out' over a second registrar when
>    updating root servers?
> 2) How can I verify that the domain will be properly 'announced'
>    to the root servers by the new registrar?
> -Jim P.

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