Hola Gabriel,

reading http://www.nanog.org/mtg-0302/merger.html might be very helpful.

Regards, Arnold

On Monday, July 14, 2003 3:47 AM, Adonaylo, Gabriel
> Hello All,
> First of all, forgive my English writting please!
> I work for an Internet Carrier in Argentina which is in process of
> reorganizing its regional operations. We are also serving in other
> countries in South America.
> We currently have one AS per country and we are looking forward to
> migrate to a unique AS for all the organizations.
> Could anyone describe pros and cons of having a unique AS for this
> kind of networks rather than having one AS for each country. Regardless of
> the cons, we are facing migration process anytime soon, so I would
> appreciate very much to get more pros than cons to include in my papers
> which are almost finished!
> I would also be glad if you share your experience about this migration
> process. That is the real value of your answers.
> Thanks for your time.
> Regards, Gabriel.

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