So, you don't like the smell of fried chicken ?

  We keep an old overclocked 486-33, with a quadrupler
around, making it run at about 100mhz..  for just this purpose...

Complete the Chicken ritual, at Midnight, of course.

Unprotect port 25, let alt.freak know...

Route all mail to /dev/null....

   Whip the chicken on to the old processor,
and wait till the spam hits....

Fried chicken in 5 minutes or less.



Christopher L. Morrow wrote:

On Fri, 1 Aug 2003, Sean Donelan wrote:

In reality blocking port 135 is almost never sufficient.  Its slightly
better than waving a dead chicken over your PC.

its far less stinky than the chicken option though, you must admit that.

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