On Wed, 13 Aug 2003, Len Rose wrote:

> Hi.. just think if the billions of dollars being spent on M$
> products could have been funneled into open source projects.
> To reinforce the point in the most blunt manner possible:
> No one had ever better dare postulate that the inherent reason 
> for all of the vulnerabilities in Micro$oft products are due 
> to any special features of note. 
> There is no particular network-enabled feature that Windows has 
> that UNIX didn't implement years before and has done so securely 
> following established internet design standards adopted by the 
> ruling standards body (IETF) after intense study and open participation
> from all parties who were interested. 
> Now knee-jerk reactions by various network operators is to
> filter, filter, filter and soon, by the grace of a piece of
> crap operating system you'll have a much more limited internet
> to work with because for Micro$oft's sake they've filtered everything.

Hey I like MS bashing as much as anyone else but the fact is you could say this 
of any vendor.. a good recent example being Cisco

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