On Wed, 13 Aug 2003, Petri Helenius wrote:

> Mans Nilsson wrote:
> >Subject: Re: Port blocking last resort in fight against virus Date: Tue, Aug 12, 
> >2003 at 10:42:38PM -0400 Quoting Sean Donelan ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> >
> >  
> >
> >>I think filters/firewalls are useful.  I believe every computer should
> >>have one.  I have several.  I just disagree on who should control the
> >>filters.
> >>    
> >>
> >
> >Bingo! 
> >
> >  
> >
> Firewalls are a patch to broken network application architechture. If your
> applications would have been properly designed, you would not have the need
> for firewalls. They are for perimeter defence only anyway.

Sorry I see where you're coming from on this but firewalls are more than just 
patches to broken OS's. 

In your world DoS traffic would be free to roam the networks as it pleased 
without being throttled sensibly at ingress?

Or the dumb [wannabee] IT guy runs some telnet/ftp/filesharing service without
passwords and its ok for the whole world to access the private system coz its
his fault?


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