> On the other hand, OEMs can be the Good Guys here and take the lead 
> ahead of Mickeysoft and firm up the loose default setting they get from
> Microsoft. DELL has promised to do this... but I still don't know if
> their press releases will live up to reality. If any NANOGers out there
> make purchasing decisions about PCs with Windows, I hope you direct your
> business towards OEMs who do sell better secured distributions or demand
> that the OEMs do so.

Wouldn't really matter. NANOGers run networks for the most part, not
computer clubs, college classes, afterschool programs, IT departments,
or hair salons, where most computer-buying decisions are made.

People want value and functionality without having to deal with
complicated details like output wattage of power supplies or say
something like security.

But at the same time, everyone has some sort of theory about a
Microsoft conspiracy and why Windows Update shouldn't be allowed to
automatically update machines instead of prompting users, resulting
in patches not being applied month after month until some worm comes
out and makes you work overtime.

At which point a bunch of you run out and buy 'bad guy' paint and
dump bucketloads all over Microsoft while promoting your favorite OS.


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