> From: Chris Todd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Wed, 20 Aug 2003 09:32:30 -0700
> Good morning:
> I was wondering if anyone has seen this message on a win2k server
> before and might be able to help me


This is the new spam technique using the windows "admin" pop-up

Supposed to be used by an Admin to send messages of some import to all
their users on a particular server.

That the popup showed up means you have some patching to do as well as
some (3 - I think) ports to block on your firewall.

See the NANOG archives for more details.

Gregory Hicks

> Message from destroyer to you on 8/19/2003 11:24:53pm
> Make this your last pop-up ever Destroy all these pop-up for a 
fraction of
> the price of our competitors!!!
> go to www. messagdestroyer.net
> This is all in a plain windows box(gray box with an ok button at the 
> and the X is the upper right corner)
> Any help or insight would much appreciated!!
> Thanks
> Chris Todd
> Computer Technician
> Western Newspapers, Inc.
> (928)775-2499
> Resistance is Futile

Gregory Hicks                           | Principal Systems Engineer
Cadence Design Systems                  | Direct:   408.576.3609
555 River Oaks Pkwy M/S 6B1             | Fax:      408.894.3479
San Jose, CA 95134                      | Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by
ignorance or stupidity.

Asking the wrong questions is the leading cause of wrong answers

"The best we can hope for concerning the people at large is that they
be properly armed." --Alexander Hamilton

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