Yo Jack!

On Wed, 20 Aug 2003, Jack Bates wrote:

> The best method for protection of your network (by limiting exposure of
> your users to viruses) is to strip executable files. We replace the
> files with a small text file mentioning the filename and a brief
> description of why we stripped it and who to contact if they need the file.

I love guys like you.  All my customers once had (still have) admins
that filtered and cleaned their email for them.  Also added
firewalls for their protection.  Now they are my customers because they
do not want your protections.

What you are doing is certainly proper in some cases.  I would hope
BofA learned that lesson after the last worm attack that killed their
ATM network.  That also means a lot of bank employees need to also have
an ISP account from me to do things they can not do with their email on
the job.

Gary E. Miller Rellim 20340 Empire Blvd, Suite E-3, Bend, OR 97701
        [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Tel:+1(541)382-8588 Fax: +1(541)382-8676

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