Andy Walden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> That's it Rob, let it all out. ;) I can certainly empathize, as I have
> have my bad experiences with Fedex as well. We also use Emery on a
> regular basis for the big things also. The bottom line is, like vendors,
> all shippers can suck at really is luck of the draw if some
> guy along the line decides that he is going to not care about your gear
> at some point while he is handling it. Accidents happen as well...

Yes, but my point is that you can stack the deck in your favor by
using a company that uses appropriate material handling devices to
move every package if you are shipping packages that are heavy enough
that moving them with a handtruck or by hand is possible-but-unwise.

> C'est la vie..what can you do. Counter to counter I find is most
> effective, but as mentioned earlier, does require some effort on the
> sender's part.

Do you really mean counter to counter, or do you mean Real Air Freight
(like going to the United Air Cargo facility behind Gate Gourmet in
the same strip as FedEx out at IAD)?  Real Air Freight (tm) rocks my
world.  Going into the terminal to baggage claim and trying to find
someone to help you find your package is annoying.


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