Hey, Sean.

] North Texas charges students $30 if their computer is infected, and needs
] to be cleaned.

I think this is very reasonable, and a great idea.

] Would you pay an extra $50/Mb a month for your ISP to operate a firewall
] and scan your traffic for you?

No, but I have been sorely tempted to offer up [coffee|beer|cash]
to have ISPs manage the network security of their other customers.  :)

Folks need to remember that even if they outsource the security
facets of their Internet-connected networks, they must still be
responsive to abuse complaints and queries.  Your managed security
services provider might be excellent...or not.  In the end it is
still YOUR network, and any "CNN moments" will be all YOURS as well.
Keep those abuse@ aliases pointed at helpful and clueful folks, and
respond as quickly as you would have others respond.

Of course if you aren't responsive, you just might end up as an
example in my next presentation.  ;)

Rob Thomas
ASSERT(coffee != empty);

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