On Sat, Aug 30, 2003 at 08:17:39PM +1000, Matthew Sullivan wrote:
> Hi All,
> On the back of the latest round of security related posts, anyone notice 
> the 50% packet loss (as reported to me) across the USA -> NZ links 
> around lunchtime (GMT+10) today?

Yep, easily .. we saw big routing problems for that /19 and a lot 
of innocent bystanders, in two waves, correlated across most sources.  

First signs of trouble at 23:12 GMT.  Then long periods of unreachability, 
from roughly 23:15-23:42 GMT and 01:26-02:10 GMT (the second one less 
well-correlated; routes were still available from some of our peers). 
Routes were fully restored globally by 02:12 GMT, presumably after the 
upstream rate limiting kicked in. 

If anyone has mrtg plots for the affected links, I'd sure like to see 'em. 

James Cowie
Renesys Corporation

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