Rodney Joffe wrote:

> Hello Jeroen,
> Jeroen Massar wrote:
> > 
> > This talks about transport, but how about AAAA's for NS's and their
> > glue? Do these ultra super duper servers allow that in .org?
> > And when do you think that will happen?
> Ignoring the possible sarcasm ;-)...


> 1) The UltraDNS nameserver does fully support IPv6.


> 2) As far as TLD IPv6 records, this question would have to be
> referred to the TLD registry operator. If they allow it, we support
> it. I am not aware of any of the tlds that we are authoritative for
> actually inserting any domain records with IPv6 data, but I could be
> wrong.

Apparently Network solutions can be bribed per phone passing your
user&password over it to do it manually. There are some others too.
Would be nice to have a FAQ explaining how to get it though.

> 3) We're working on a native IPv6 feed to all of our nodes, and would
> hope to have this live and active before the end of this year.
> Anycast creates an additional challenge for us in deploying IPv6.

That would be a great thing to see happening. a TLD like .org will
quite possibly also be in the position to request IPv6 glue into
the rootzone. When this is enabled don't forget to cc the relevant
IPv6 lists and ofcourse present your findings to everyone.


Version: Unfix PGP for Outlook Alpha 13 Int.
Comment: Jeroen Massar / [EMAIL PROTECTED] / http://unfix.org/~jeroen/


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