At 21:15 08/09/2003, Randy Bush wrote:

> We use C&W directly and Verio/Level3 through a peer.

a peer gives you their peer or transit routes?

I've given peers other peer routes before now, but not transit (except in emergencies). I've done it for several reasons:-

1) You can have transit to peers (X, Y and Z) at LINX if I can have transit to peers (A, B, and C) at MAE-East.
2) My bandwidth/routes/whatever don't meet your peering policy but I can bribe you with access to a certain set of routes. [At one time I had a small customer base and a single /19 but very wide spread peering, often with big ASs. In fact I'm pretty sure I had more peers than customers at some points. ;-)]
3) You're a mate, and the marginal cost to me is small.


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